Most of us tend to ignore the slow, but constant changes of everyday life around us. This process could just be an inevitable part of human evolution, but through my project, I want to turn your attention on these unnoticed beautiful treasures of life which we take for granted. To visually communicate this idea, I based my concept on the imaginary reification of some creasy future scenarios. So, playing around with human ignorance and an almost inevitable future, I created a character, who is experiencing life in 2300. What if, by then, the air we now breathe ends up being nonviable and cities only exist under domes. Can you imagine a generation which might never experience some natural phenomenon, like rain? How do you feel as you realize that my fictional character, has no clue of what she is holding? The unnoticed umbrella we all knew in 2022.
My purpose isn’t to scare people for their future, but to raise environmental awareness. I found more effective to communicate this idea, by taking you through some crazy -rather than realistic- future scenarios, which could clearly shake basic functions of the world around us.
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